A Suggestion
Some of the people who have obtained the Fa and, at this
human surface, come to know the meaning of the Fa, have had their lives extended
through the Fa; some of them have received all kinds of benefits, such as good
health, harmony in the family, indirect benefits to their relatives and friends,
a reduction of their karma, and even Master’s bearing things for them. In
other dimensions, their physical bodies are being transformed into God-bodies.
Despite this, when Dafa is about to consummate you, you are unable to step
forward from humanness, and when the evil
persecutes Dafa you are unable to stand up to validate Dafa. These people who
only want to take from Dafa and not give for Dafa are, in the eyes of Gods, the
worst beings. Moreover, this Fa is what’s fundamental in the cosmos, so those
people who are still unable to step forward today will be weeded out after this
tribulation is over. Many of them are people who have strong predestined
relationships. This is why Master has waited and waited. Also included are those
who have, during this period, voluntarily assisted the evil in persecuting the
Fa after being so-called "reformed." These people have relatively
large amounts of karma and they have fundamental attachments to [things of]
humans, so in the midst of absurd lies during the so-called
"reforming," they have, in the interest of their attachments and to
justify their behavior, gone along with the lies and willingly accepted evil
"enlightenment," while pretending they didn’t want to. If this kind
of person then goes and deceives other students, he will have committed the sin
of damaging the Fa. All who have been supposedly "reformed" are people
who couldn’t let go of their attachments to [things of] humans and who stepped
forward with the idea that they might be lucky.
Did you know that I don’t recognize at all this evil test
that the old forces arranged? The reason evil beings in low-level dimensions
dare to be so ferocious is that the beings at the final, highest level of the
cosmos who are yet to be dealt with have created a type of screen. Until this
screen is completely destroyed in Fa-rectification, the beings in low-level
dimensions and the evil beings in the world won’t be able to see the true
situation, and so they dare to commit sinister acts out of ignorance. Amidst the
Fa-rectification, those high-level beings are in the last stage of being cleaned
out. Once it is broken through, all the evil beings in the world will be knocked
down into hell when the Fa rectifies the human
world, and for all eternity they will pay for the sins they committed
persecuting Dafa. There are also some people who claim to have reached
Consummation, saying nonsense like, "There’s no need to practice
anymore," or "There’s no need to study anymore." If you have
reached Consummation, then fly up into the sky and show us a Buddha’s solemn
image. If you no longer need to practice, are you still my disciple? A
cultivator cannot stop cultivating even at the very last moment before he
reaches Consummation. Those people are not demons, but they are doing what
demons do. It’s not that Master is not merciful—in the Fa-rectification all
beings choose their own path. Those of you who claim to have reached
Consummation, do you have all the magnificent Fa-power of a God or Buddha?
There are also some people who maliciously say, "The
real Master is in the heavens," "We need to break from the Master in
the human world," and "Help Master undo" so-called "knots
that are tied to his body." There is only one Li Hongzhi. I don’t have
any Assistant Primordial Spirit, and I don’t have any of those three souls and
seven spirits like everyday people do, either. I am the principal being. The
bodies inside my benti, from the larger ones to the smaller ones, that
are made up of particles of different levels and that are in different
dimensions, are all directed by my principal being in the human world and follow
the thoughts of my principal being in the human world. My Law Bodies are
specific manifestations of my wisdom. My Gong Bodies are composites of my
boundlessly-immense gong. Not acknowledging the Master in the human world
is not acknowledging oneself as a Dafa disciple. Then such a person is not even
a cultivator, much less does he have any business talking about Consummation.
The people of the future still need to obtain the Fa; there are several billion
people in this world who are waiting to obtain the Fa after this evil drama is
completely wiped out as the Fa rectifies the human world, and what they
will study and use will be this Zhuan Falun. The sins committed by both
the evil and the bad people who destroy the books are so huge that they can
never be fully paid for. Those who at different levels manipulate the evil and
the bad people into persecuting Dafa and its students all have in store for them
the endless paying for all they have done, suffering as they are annihilated
layer by layer. Those who voluntarily sign the "reform statement" or
who promise in writing not to practice under the pretence of so-called
"giving up the attachment to Consummation" or "giving up human
notions" are covering up their true attachments. They even slander and
attack the Clearwisdom Website, which reports on Dafa positively. The old forces
think that a Dafa student who, out of attachments, during this period gives a
written promise not to cultivate Dafa anymore has determined
his own future. If it didn’t truly come from his heart and was the result of
coercion, and if he rejoins the Fa-rectification, then there will be greater
tribulations, as tests, for him to pass. Even though Master does not recognize
the old forces’ arrangements, the consequences are terrifying once you have
gone over to the opposite side, and your tens-of-thousands-of-years’ wait will
be ruined in an instant. Those who are spreading evil "enlightenment"
under the guise of Dafa students are, regardless of whether they were students
before, doing what demons who damage Dafa do.
In reality, nobody can damage Dafa. Those who have not come
through the tribulations are humans. When human beings are no longer good
enough, then they will be re-created, and this is humans’ inexorable doom. I
want to do everything I can to save all the people of the world and all beings.
[Yet these] humans aren’t able to live up to it and of their own choosing
"enlighten" along an evil path in order to cover up their attachments.
If you do not want a future, I will give up on you. I am not attached to
As Dafa disciples, what you should do in the current
situation is clarify the truth to the world’s people and expose the evil,
thereby safeguarding Dafa. Your own improvement and Consummation are part of
this process. Those who do the so-called "reform" work, too, are
people who have been deceived. Why not turn the tables and expose the evil and
clarify the truth to them? I suggest that all students who they are trying to
forcefully reform (this excludes those who haven’t been taken away for reform)
expose the evil and clarify the truth to those people who are doing the reform
work, and tell them about the cause and effect relationship of "good and
evil always have consequences." It is the evil that is afraid of people
knowing the truth of the situation, not Dafa disciples.
Li Hongzhi
April 10, 2001