Some Thoughts of Mine
Recently it was reported in the news that Mainland China
seeks my extradition back to China in exchange for a reduction of USD$500
million worth of their trade surplus [with the U.S.]. I would like to say a few
words about this. I only teach people to be good. At the same time, I
unconditionally help people get rid of their diseases and health problems, and I
enable them to reach higher realms of mind. I don’t charge any money or ask
for material things as reward. All of this has had a positive impact on the
society and its people, and it has, on a large scale, turned people’s hearts
towards goodness and made their moral level high. I wonder if that is why they
seek to extradite me. Do they want me to return to China so that more people can
obtain the Fa and cultivate their hearts? If that’s the case, please don’t
let the country lose USD$500 million to strike a deal—I can go back myself.
I have heard, however, that normally people who are
extradited are war criminals, public enemies, or criminal offenders. If so, I
wonder which of the above categories I would fit into.
In fact, I keep teaching people to conduct themselves with
Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance as their guiding principles. So
naturally, I have also been setting an example. When Falun Gong disciples and I
have been criticized for no reason and treated unfairly, we have always
displayed breadth of mind with great benevolence and great forbearance, and have
silently endured everything in order to give the government sufficient time to
find out what we are about. But this forbearance is absolutely not because the
students of Falun Gong and I fear anything. You should know that once a person
learns the truth and the real meaning of life, he will not regret giving up his
life for it. Don’t mistake our mercy or our great tolerance as fear and
thereby intensify your reckless actions. These are actually people who have
awakened, they are cultivators who have learned the true meaning of life. And
don’t label Falun Gong cultivators as engaging in "superstition,"
either. There are so many things that human beings and science have yet to
understand. Don’t religions also exist because of a belief in higher beings?
Actually, the true religions and ancient beliefs in Gods, which have made it
possible for the morality of human society to endure for several thousand years,
are what has allowed for the existence of today’s mankind—which includes
you, me, the next person, and so on. If it weren’t for these, mankind would
have committed sins long ago that led to catastrophes, people’s ancestral
lines probably would have died out long ago, and there wouldn’t be what there
is today. The truth is, morality is extremely important for mankind. If man does
not value virtue, he is capable of doing all kinds of bad things, which is
terribly dangerous for mankind. This much I can tell people. Actually, my
intention isn’t to do something for society, and by no means do I want to get
involved in ordinary human affairs, much less do I desire someone’s political
power. Not everyone considers power that important. Don’t people have a
saying, "Everybody aspires to something different"? I merely wish to
let those who can do cultivation obtain the Fa, and to teach them how to truly
improve their xinxing, that is, to improve their moral standard. Besides,
not everyone will come to learn Falun Gong, and furthermore, what I’m doing is
bound to have no connection with politics. Regardless, cultivators whose hearts
have turned toward goodness and whose morals have improved are good for any
country or nationality. How could something that helps people to get well and
stay healthy, and that raises people’s moral level, be labeled an "evil
religion"? Every Falun Gong practitioner is a member of society, and each
has his own job or career. It’s only that they go to the park to do Falun Gong
exercises for half an hour or an hour every morning, and then they go to work.
We don’t have various provisions that people have to follow, as religions do,
nor do we have any temples, churches, or religious rituals. People can come to
learn or leave as they please, and we have no membership rosters. How is it a
religion? As to "evil," could teaching people to be good, not charging
people money, and doing things to heal people and help them stay healthy be
categorized as "evil"? Or, is something "evil" simply
because it’s outside the scope of the Communist Party’s theories? Besides, I
know that evil religion is evil religion, and it’s not something a government
determines. Should an evil religion be labeled "upright" if it’s in
keeping with the notions of certain people in the government? And should an
upright one be labeled "evil" if it doesn’t conform to their
personal notions?
Actually, I know perfectly well why some people are bent on
opposing Falun Gong. Just as reported by the media, there are too many people
practicing Falun Gong. One hundred million people is indeed no small number. Yet
why should having a large number of good people be feared? Isn’t it true that
the more good people there are, the better, and that the fewer the bad people,
the better? I, Li Hongzhi, unconditionally help cultivators improve their morals
and gain health, which brings about social stability and allows people to better
serve the society with their able bodies. Isn’t this benefiting the people in
power? These things have, in fact, truly been achieved. Why is it that instead
of thanking me, they want to set as many as 100 million people against the
government? What government could be so unfathomable? Furthermore, who among
these 100 million people doesn’t have family, children, relatives, and
friends? Is it a question of only 100 million people? So the number of people
they are going against might be even more. What on earth has happened to
"the leaders of my beloved land"? If with my, Li Hongzhi’s, life I
can dispel their fears of these good people, I will immediately go back and let
them do what they will. Why "risk universal condemnation," waste
manpower and capital, and use politics and money to pursue a deal that violates
human rights? The United States, on the other hand, has been a leader in
respecting human rights. So would the U.S. government betray human rights to
make such a deal? Besides, I’m a U.S. permanent resident, a permanent resident
who lives under the jurisdiction of U.S. law.
I don’t mean to point fingers at anyone in particular. It’s
just that what they are doing makes too little sense to me. Why forgo a good
opportunity to win public opinion, and instead set some 100 million people
against the government?
It’s said that many people went to Zhongnanhai1,
and that certain people were shocked and furious about it. In fact, the number
of people who went wasn’t large at all. Think about it: there are 100 million
people practicing Falun Gong, and only ten thousand plus went—could you say
that’s a lot? There was no need to mobilize people: with 100 million some
people, if one person wanted to go and so did the next, in no time there would
be over ten thousand people. They had no slogans or banners, they didn’t act
out of line, and much less were they against the government. They merely wanted
to report our situation to the government. What’s wrong with doing that? Let
me ask this: would any "protestors" behave as well as this? Aren’t
you moved even one bit when you see this? Yet you insist on trying to find some
fault with Falun Gong. But the approach of trying to eradicate Falun Gong while
disregarding all of its merits is really backward. Falun Gong isn’t terrible,
like certain people have imagined. Rather, it brings numerous benefits and doesn’t
do harm to any society. Losing the favor of the people, meanwhile, is what’s
most frightening. To be honest, the students of Falun Gong are also human beings
who are in the process of cultivating themselves, and they still have human
minds. In this situation where they are being treated unjustly, I’m not sure
how much longer they can forbear it, and this is what I am most concerned about.
Li Hongzhi
June 2, 1999
1. Zhongnanhai (jong-nahn-high)—the Chinese leadership
compound, located in Beijing; it is located next to the Appeals Office of the
State Council. This reference is about the April 25, 1999 appeal.
* Note: This and all other footnotes have been inserted by the translator and
are not part of the original text.