Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts are
The evil beings are being destroyed in large numbers in the
Three Realms and the human world. They have already seen that they will end in
failure, so they make their last-ditch effort even more madly. The most severely
persecuted ones are precisely those students who harbor attachments. The more
fearful they are inside, the more the evil specifically goes after such
students. And the overall situation that has appeared, in which Dafa is
persecuted in the human world, is caused by the large-scale, severe occurrence
of these students being persecuted because they have attachments. Because they
couldn’t let go of their attachments they have been so-called
"reformed," and this has led them to do things that help the evil,
making the situation severe.
Why should you, a Dafa disciple, fear the evil ones when
enduring persecution? The crux of the matter is that you have attachments. If
not, do not endure passively, and face the evil people with righteous thoughts
at all times. No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s
demands, orders, or what it instigates. If everyone does this the environment
won’t be this way.
In fact, some disciples and beings in different realms who
are able to use their supernormal abilities in different dimensions have been
using their supernormal abilities and gong potency (gongli) to
take part in eliminating the evil beings that damage Dafa. When some Dafa
disciples see evil beings, they send out Falun and Dafa’s divine powers to
eliminate the evil. There are also students who have set certain times when the
world’s murderers and assailants who beat people will receive retribution.
They have effectively eliminated evil factors and restrained the bad people.
Actually, every Dafa disciple has abilities. It’s just that the abilities do
not manifest in the surface dimension, so they think that they don’t have
supernormal abilities. But regardless of whether they can manifest in the
surface dimension or not, when a person’s True Thoughts come forth they are
very powerful. Since we cultivate in a righteous Fa, we should care for and save
beings and the people of the world who are good. So we should act with goodness
in everything we do. Yet removing the evil beings that manipulate people into
damaging humankind is also protecting humankind and sentient beings. Dafa is
spreading widely, saving all sentient beings. Although those evil beings who are
completely unsalvageable cannot be saved, they still can’t be allowed to do
evil without end and thus persecute Dafa and its students, and the people of the
world. Eliminating evil is thus doing Fa-rectification, and is also saving the
world’s people and sentient beings.
Li Hongzhi
April 24, 2001